1/30 Update to Investors

Paige and emery

Paige Umbehr
Photo on 1-30-19 at 3.07 PM.jpg

so far we have been making more and more of what we showed you. we made some paw print necklaces to go along with the animal shelter. we think we have got about 75% done. are next step is to print out a little more of everything. And we are thinking about 5% for the animal shelter, do you think we should give more or less.

Card Kingdoms

Frank Ritchie

To answer your question about the game with family and friends, we really haven't finished the actually product so we haven't played with family yet. The only person we've played with is Resha. We have also looked into making it more educational too. Our progress this week is we've made most of our cards for our first game. We also made our game logo(above). Our next steps for this game till this Friday are cutting the cards correct and making the box. 

eye slime

Charlie Koch

we've done a lot today and the symbol is done

Animal Storage

Ailie Tabor

Throughout all the time we have made a Rocket, Unicorn, Cat, and a Jaguar. It has been good but the measurements have been very stressful! Our group is doing good and the money has lasted us for a long time. Our first product is done and we are about to have our second and third. All of the new files we have had to make for all the new animals has taken a long time but now we are done with that. Everyone has their own thing to work on so that we get more stuff done. Thank you for al, of the money! 

From: Brynn, Kenzy, and Ailie


Quinn Turner

Today I painted a  cupcake and it 👀  sooooooo delicious .