1/25 Update to Investors

Emry and Paige

Paige Umbehr

Today I we printed out new earrings and Paige is working on some new 3d printed earrings while Emry painted some paw print earrings. so far we have used the money for the laser cutter and some more materials. we have got a lot of progress done. we have not been having any struggles other than internet the internet has been going off and on which has been making it harder to get work done with the 3d printer and laser cutter.


colorful candles

Langston Ahmad

So Quinn&I actually made 2 logos these were the 2 we agreed on. 

And Quinn has got the mold but Langston didn't do his molds because there wasn't a way

to make a mold but he came up with an idea that there was a glass coke bottle but if we 

bought the plastic bottle the plastic would melt so Langston thought that we should get the glass


Emry Kinkaid

Me and Paige have spent about 20$ after you guys left 

We have had  a conflict and we have  resolved it and now we are soooooooooo much better

We used the 20$ on a piece of draftboard ,laser cutter, 3d printer.

Krafty Krabs Animal Storage

Ailie Tabor

So far with the money we have been using it on draft board, and laser-cutting. Our progress is we finished our rocket ship design and are working on the unicorn design. We aren’t struggling with anything. Make sure there are no mistakes in the product and make sure everything is fine.

Game group update battle of the villages

Cole Umbehr

We have a little more things to do and then we will be done

We made the cards he sling shot and instead of making grooves we are going to make stands


Frank Ritchie

So far what we have done with our money is we've bought a laminator and thermal laminating pouches, made three dice and bought a corner cutter. We figured out how to make the cards nearly perfect, we know how to laminate, and use the corner cutter(which is super simple). Some of the struggles we are having are making the back of the cards(the          logo) match up with the front of the card, and we're having trouble making the dice. Next we basically just have get our packaging, finish the instructions and print the dice and cards and Laminate the cards.

eye slime

Charlie Koch

We paid  for  packaging with the money. we are working on our make your own slime kit 

and labels.we  are learning  illustrator to make sticker.  next week , we will print stickers.